25 November 2006

It`s Tiger Time.

It takes time, patience and dedication to build a career. Few are the people who chase after dreams and make their passion their work...but there are some who dare to go against the flow; Recognition may be slow in coming but at some point, the world will be forced to turn its head and acknowledge their contribution.......

My brother has always dared to go against the flow and chase his dreams...there are many who may question his choice of career, but I can find none so dedicated and passionate about his work as Joseph Vattakaven - The tiger man. I `ve always believed that there will come a day when he will be acknowledged among the best, and thus it is with great satisfaction and pride that I watched a video, that was brodcasted by CBS channel (USA) in which he featured in their 60minutes show.

CBS has described him as one of India`s top Tiger scientists, and rightly so. Those of you who would like to view an internet edition of the documentary , do click on the above picture. (It will take you to CBS`s video)...A write up on the same is available on the following link - Shooting Tigers .

As with me I`m sure there are many among my readers who look forward to see him acheive greaters heights and I join you all in wishing him the very best in his career , for the future.


For the new readers amongst you, my blog has already featured a couple of articles on the life of the Tiger man . These can be accessed at the following links:


  1. why am i not surprised.. when i think back, the two of you were totally the animal and nature types. good going, you guys.

  2. everythin i wanted to say...only much better!


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