03 October 2004

update 3..walk in dartmoor

hi folks,
just enjoying the weekend here. i didnt really have any class untill thursaday last week. my first experience of lectures was...hmm..i have to admit a bit intimidating...especially with all the fancy accents and all. but overall i survived. and i hope to get attuned...well. we had an overview of a few of the research that goes on at the MBA. we had a talk on the Alister Hardy foundation For Ocean Studies(SAHFOS) which is almost a sub lab of the mba...and we actally gotta see the hardy`s continuous plankton recorder...things which we have only seen in textbooks during the course back home(er ..all non marine bio folk...please excuse a bit of technical jargon)...it s amazing cause, this is the place from which they actually despatch these recorders on sea routes all over the world.
then we had another session on Electron microscopy..i ve chosen that module....and there are actually 4 or 5 of them (i saw 3 scanning and one transmission) here. the other lecture we had..which was a three hour long session was on fish toxicology....a bit intensive though..and i had to concentrate a bit to pick up the concepts. well those were the sessions for the week... now what did i do today?...hmm thats what i really wanna tell u. well i went for awalk to a place called Dartmoor...does that sound familiar to some of u? i wont be surprised cause it did to me ...o.k for those of you who are sherlock holmes fans...and have read ..The hound of baskervilles...this is supposedly the place that inspired Sir authur Conan Doyle to write it.. he stayed here and wrote the book based on locations around here...the moors...the prison ...its all here...oh yeah there are other reasons for Dartmoor being famous....its the home of the dartmoor ponies. and also its really huge and has the highest altitude in u.k.
there s this walking group at the MBA ..led by Nick Bloomberg..whos the IT techichian there..and they go for regular ..long walks.. our group today consisted of Nick, Suzanne..whos my classmate, christine , and Michelle who r workin at the MBA and michelles son Kaylin... Suzanne was kind enogh to pick me up from the MBA and we drove down to a place called Roborugh where nick took over and we drove down to prince town which is right inside dartmoor.Nick was so friendly and informative...hes one store house of knowledge..knows everything about the moors.
anyway we walked right into the moor to a place called Hexworth where there was a country pub..had our lunch there..i had fish and chips...hmmm not too bad ...its basically a slice of fish dipped in batter and fried and served with fried potato chips.its a pretty popular item here...after lunch we walked back. oh yeah dartmoor is also famous for its archeology...yeah..right down to the stone ages ...about 4000 years ago. we saw a burial chamber..which probably had buried an important member of the community. . and also a hut cicle...a hut circle is a circle of assembled stones which was the base of a house in the stone ages( see photo..)..it was exciting to think that the very spot where i stood would have been home to people in the stone ages,,,and if i were transported back in time id probably be seeing all those people walking about and doing their normal work.... ..there was also some medieval history with a prison that dated back to the napolean times ..and some old broken down farmhouses..
overall..exciting...but a bit tiring for my poor legs which havent seen much action back home[thanks to my good old scooter(more old than good)...oh i miss it]...i really did enjoy the english moor...and moreover it was a chance for me to develop my communication skills with the others...ya..there s a bit diificulty with that initially...and so i`m back here now ..sitting with a cup of tea.(good old Indian tea)..trying to get the excitement to u people befor it fades into memory. hows that?
take care all of u...i hope to keep the updates coming..( even if u think they are boring)..bye
take care

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