Boxing day (26th Dec) 2007 marked the big day. In a short but significant ceremony, we duly consented to being engaged to be married, at the altar of St Mary`s church Bharanaganam.
The ceremony basically consisted of the priest asking us if we were willing to get engaged to each other under our own free will (oh yes!) and under the rules of the catholic church.
A lunch reception followed where the guests were treated to a sumptuous menu. Unfortunately for Rosa and me, being at the centre of attention was not the most digestible of experiences and our plates were loaded lightly. Whatever food managed to leave the plate and find its way into our stomachs was even lighter!
In a couple of hours the guests started to depart and the reception drew to a close. I have been to several engagements over the years, but not once did I put myself in the shoes of the prospective groom and imagine what it would be like. Now having gone through the whole thing I think the best way to summarise the whole experience would be to say - I feel Engaged!
Rosa and I would like to thank all of you, from far and near who could make it for the function. We would also like to thank those of you who couldnt make it yet bore us in their thoughts on the occasion.
Almost two months of eventful holidays have come to an end and I am now headed back to U.K. They say all good things come to an end, but not for us...For Rosa and me it is just the start. I hope to be able to announce a date for our wedding soon and I hope all of you will be able to join us on the occasion. Till then watch this space.
Photos for my engagement can be accessed at
My younger brother was not far behind and hardly a week passed before Jacob and his Fiancee - Diya got engaged. Here`s a pic of the cute couple.
Photo`s for His engagement can be accessed at
ReplyDeletehey I made it to one of the Pics!! :)