16 January 2008

Chuckie becomes a mommy!

Finally, its happened....the impossibly cute and incredibly small Chuckie has given birth. Even at the peak of her pregnancy her abdomen looked as if she just had a good meal and drew a lot of astonished comments when we mentioned she was pregnant.

Chuckie has just just given birth to 4 teeny weeny cuties. Its hard to imagine how anything can be cuter than our Chuckie but I`m assured the pups are incredibly cute too!...and Chuck`s maternal instincts have kicked in...As my sis-in-law - Japna -puts it Chuck`s become a " wise and expert mum. If you saw her you'd imagine she has been raising pups all her life".

I wish I was at home to see it all with my own eyes.


  1. They are sooooo cute!!!!!
    I wish I could have one! ;p

  2. cute pups..;)

    my dog, Mickey back home died yesterday! ;(


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