19 August 2007

Confessions of a nocturnal workaholic!

Some of you have written in asking if im still alive..well just about! I havent been writing on the blog because I`ve been busy writing elsewhere...really busy! so much so that my nights and days have been reversed, and my bedroom has been transformed into a workroom..so u might ask what so important that I`m writing up? Is it my life story? or that elusive book that everybody keeps recommending that I should write?...I wish it was, but no. Its something called a progression report.
Unfortunately one of the necessary evils of a PhD is that we have to go through a check of our progress (or lack of it!) at the end of one year. The big bosses then decide if our work is satisfactory enough to warrant further continuation, or if we should be kicked out without further wastage of time!..and so here I am wasting precious time , toiling to make sense of stacks of paper which seem to have taken over my life (and my room!)
My attempt to put my work so far, into a report and make it all sound good enough started almost a month back. ...and for good or bad, I made two important discoveries! 1. I could concentrate better working from home (he he..no one to watch me sleep!) and 2. I could concentrate better if i worked all night instead of all day!(once again no one to see me sleep even more!)..and so as a result..I ve had to carry my office over home, and these underrated, undervalued blabbers of scientific publications have pushed me out of my bed (oh, by the way, that is my bed beneath those papers stacks)! My sleeping hours have shifted to 5 in the morning till 11 at noon...breakfast is unheard of..lunch is at 3 and dinner whenever hunger signals and work takes up all the rest of the time..yes thats right I ve turned into a nocturnal workaholic!
So how is it coming along? hmm..things have been excruciatingly slow, and my supervisor has been extremely understanding of my nocturnal habits..and I`m getting there slowly. Just when I seemed to be making speedy progress with my two-fingered typing, I managed to cut one of them! as a result its back to one finger now!!!
I`ll be really glad when this torture is over and I can get back to work in the lab. I wonder..is this what a PhD life truly is..aaargh..i dont want to see another publication for a long long while! I hope to be done with all this soon and be updating you all with something more worthwhile..that is if i can manage to turn my days back into days and nights back into nights!!

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