Its been a while since I`ve been in Bristol, yet when people ask me what all I have seen in Bristol I come up with a blank. A PhD life is busy in itself and I hardly find any free time..and when I do it doesnt help that where I live is miles away from anywhere worth exploring, thus I find myself sleeping and recouping my batteries for most of the weekend.
One of Bristols most famous landmarks is the Bristol suspension bridge and until lately I though I was the only person in bristol who had`nt seen it as yet...so I was delighted when my friend Morgane, announced that she hadnt seen it either.

Thus one fine sunday, I decided to sacrifice some sleep and take the pains to actually go out and see the great spectacle that was supposed to be this bridge!
Bristols public transport, like most of the U.K public transport is confusing and we managed to take the wrong bus and go in the wrong direction, but we eventually did get to the Bristol Downs which is a big strech of green that overlooks the birdge...and I must say on a sunny day it did look very inviting.

Like all famous landmarks this one too has its history and anecdotes. Firstly this bridge was Designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, or better known as Brunel, who was one of one of Englands finest engineers, and built many of englands finest structures in the 1800s including its first propeller driven ship, and the great western railway, not to mention more than a dozen other bridges!
However his life was short lived and he passed away before the bridge was completed, but his colleagues completed the bridge as a tribute and memorial to him..and it remains so.
Interestingly, the bridge is also known as a suicide bridge! Between 1974 1nd 1993 127 people jumped off the bridge and barriers had to be erected to prevent this. Yet the death rate continues at 4 per year! However not everyone who jumped off died..in 1885 a woman jumped off the bridge, but her skirt acted like a parachute and she landed safe and went on to live to a ripe old age!
In 1957, a fighter pilot flew his plane underneath the bridge and prematurely celebrated before he and the plane smashed into pieces on the cliffs! Today flying is banned underneath the bridge. Bunjee jumping is banned too, but one fool tried a hand at it..and as if that wasnt enough he set himself on fire too! His plan was to cut the rope at the last minute and put out the flames by falling into the water. ..it didnt work...and he ended up as a hanging fireball for 26 seconds before he finally cut the rope and ended up in the Bristol hospital burns unit for treatment!!

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