To continue from where I left off; One of my friends, Morgane was not around on my birthday so I ended up having an extended celebration when she returned from skiing in France. The above pic gives u more than a good idea of my cooking skills ;-).
Anyway, I ended up with a surprise birthday gift ! Oh yes..my friends took a lot of trouble to exclude me from their shopping and ended up saying they were going shopping for Lingerie!
Anyway, what I ended up getting was not as spectacular as lingerie, but interesting nonetheless...an aquarium!
people know me as being a fish keeping enthusiast..but thats not why I got an aquarium...its because of my extremely limited and selective memory. My friends call me a a goldfish because I have the memory of a goldfish! So there, why not get him a goldfish!!
Unfortunately for them, they ended up not being able to buy the goldfish, as the shop wouldnt let them have a goldfish without first setting up a tank! (yep another one of those crazy rules in U.K!)

My friends had fun helping me set up the tank, complete with an aerator and filter. I`ll be buying my fish soon, but until then I`m more than happy to hear the water bubbling in the tank! makes me feel like I`m in Thommenkuthu water falls!
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