Yes its me again...back after a long break....let me again start with an apology for the exceptionally long silence. As they say silence is often followed by let me rack my brains violently to update you on events that have occured in my not so exciting life in the past few months.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from tomstory tagged with fireworks. Make your own badge here.
Probably the first thing to happen after my last mail would have been the British fireworks championsip. Needless to say as every other major event that Plymouth hosts, the venue was once again at the Hoe.It was a cool summer night and i went there imagining a world class spectacle.

Talking about fireworks..i experienced another situation where i was at the recieving end of fireworks...this time it was with a bat and ball.

Although it was a great day with lovely weather and an imposing ground i didnt enjoy being smashed all around the ground and then getting out for a single run!when it looked liked we would lose badly,amazingly, my inexperienced team mates put on an unbelievable performance...what a debut..producing strokes that any cricketer would have dreamed of playing. Anyway the target was too high to reach but we played for pride and our last batsman(batswoman) survived to the last ball inspite of the loss.
While visiting my cousin in Doncaster, we went for a trip to York included in which were visits to several landmarks :

In between all this i have had to move out of my old house into another one as my contract was over.

As many of you may already be aware i have finished my project and have submitted the thesis which is currently being valued. I am meanwhile keeping myself busy applying for jobs. I also have the opportunity to present a poster on my work in a conference in Belgium next month. I`m excited about it and i request all your prayers for it to be a succesful one. If everything goes well i hope to be updating you all with my trip to belgium next time.
Hey Toms glad to hear from u again Great fotos well iwould have been more happier to c u dancing...i think i would have been like ur friends playing cricket...rite...
ReplyDeleteLove u miss in chennai states heavy rain may be its cryin u know y...Me here na..And Best of luch for ur belgium trip...