Its been 5 years since I first arrived here in the UK. The journey has been long and eventful. There have been ups and downs along the way, some that have changed me as a person and some that opened up worlds I never knew existed. It has been fun, it has been hard and it has been unpredictable. Like everything, good or bad, this part of the journey also has to end.
While Rosa and I have enjoyed the past year here in UK together, I cant express how much we missed India and all our loved ones back there. We have seriously considered heading back to settle in India on several occasions in the past, but work and study commitments had gotten in the way. As of now we have a chance and we are ready to take it.
We may be living in a country with an advanced standard of living, but it comes at a cost. We 've come to realise that it's the simple joys in life which one takes so much for granted that really matters. The joy of being a citizen in your own country. The freedom of being able to reach out and be with family. The joy of being surrounded by life and nature in its truest forms. of home food, of the monsoons, of family gatherings....
I`m not sure what awaits us in India. I will shortly have my PhD (I hope) and Rosa will have her 2nd masters. Ideally staying on for another year and gaining a bit more experience would have been a good option, but right now that is looking unlikely.I still have a few months to explore last minute options while I finish writing up my thesis but as of now our intention is to return. I have no idea how employable we will be in the Indian scheme of things. However, we have always wanted to eventually settle in India and this is our chance to lay out the roots and we are looking forward to it.