...So, as you and me go about our daily lives choosing and fussing over our food, did you know that about 20,000 people die every day from hunger? There`s not much we can do about it eh? thats what I thought too...but I just discovered theres something you can do..and not just that, while you are doing something about it, you can improve your English voacbulary too..
I came across this site which has a word-meaning-guessing-game in it. Its run by the World poverty site and for every word meaning you guess right, 10 grains will be donated to the Untited Nations World Food Programme. For those who are keen here`s the link : http://www.freerice.com , and for those who are lazy I`m embedding the site below, so what r u waiting for get playing, and make a difference to one more hungry stomach! On my first try I donated 500 grains witha vocab score of 34...can you do better ?
Check you score by scrolling right within the embedded page.