Do you believe that someone somewhere in this world was made specifically to match you? What if it were true? How would the two meet? What if we passed each other somewhere random, like on the road...would we ever recognise each other?....what if we never met?..or even worse what if we met but never realise it?....truly lucky are those who find their match.
Talking about matches, some of you must`ve heard the sound of wedding bells closer to home...and yes I can confirm, with joy now, that my brother, the Tiger Man is finally on course to tie the knot!

Growing up with my elder brother has been a unique experience. I would say that over the years my brother`s personality has been a dynamic one, always reflecting his constantly developing philosophy towards life.
One of the earliest things I must`ve realised was that it was quite impossible to compete with him, whether it was for cricket or cracking jokes..becasue he has such a strong determination and will power to succeed.I have known few people who can match his passion and hunger to pursue what he sets his mind on.
His ability to think differently and set his own standards, often taking him against the flow of society, has been a uniquie trait which I have always secretly envied him for.
And so, I `ve always beleived that it would be a very special girl who would be able to "Tame the Tiger-Man"!

A few months back, when he said that there was someone special in his life, it made me wonder if this was to be the girl of his life; and indeed it appears to be a perfect match!..O.k, I think its high time I mentioned who the girl who stole his heart is. Her Name is Japna Tulsi; She hails from Punjab, and is currently working on a PhD in anthropology. Both Joseph and she, works in the lovely haven that is Kanha National park.

Japna was in U.K at that time, doing her masters at the univeristy of Reading, and it so happened that she was with Manju,a mutual friend of hers and us brothers, and happened to read the article. Something must`ve struck a chord then,because they decided to make it a point to visit Joseph when in India. The events that followed are hazy, but eventually they did meet up in Kanha, leading to a love story, the details of which, is best obtained from the couple themselves.

Anyhow, two people who grew up half a country apart, hailing from contrasting backgrounds, inspired to meet from halfway across the globe, by a random blog...is there a better example to support the fact that there is someone somewhere .....I`ve not met Japna in person as yet, but from the few converstaions we had , and from the opinions of those of my near and dear ones who have been lucky to meet her, I believe she is perfect for my brother.
As most of you would be aware, we are three brothers in our family. I have never known what it is like to have a sister, and to be frank, I ve never really given it much thought until lately. Although it remained a foregone conclusion that someday the three of us brothers would get married, and add sister in laws to the family, it always seemed a far away concept, yet today I look forward more than ever, to welcoming Japna as my sister in law. I`m really happy that they found each other and I wish My brother and Japna , the very best as they take the intial steps to what I`m sure will be a very happy life together.
A small function was held last week, to mark Joseph`s and Japna`s betrothal (one that I missed out on very much!). Japna and her parents had come over home in Kerala . The function which was graced by the governor of Kerala, who happens to be a good friend of Japna`s father`s (Just in case you wonder about all the police!) was a happy occasion and the photographs can be viewed at this link - Photos