Have you ever wondered what life is all about? Why it always has to be full of ups and downs? I do it all the time, and i`ve come to realise that even in the most complicated phases of ones life, there exist small pockets of joy. We see it only if we choose to do so.

I recently had an opportunity to go into the heart of Cornwall and get a close up look at the countryside in a place called Calstock. After half an hours drive from Plymouth, there was a gradual but conspicuous transition of the scenery from the urban to the rural. I was helping my landlady move somethings to her friends house here in Calstock.

The house turned out to be set upon a steep slope overlooking a valley full of trees and at the the bottom of which, was a stream.Even though the trees had shed their leaves for the winter it still covered the stream but its presence was never out of mind due to the constant bubbling sound emanating from below.

All kinds of trees covered the house and birdlife of everykind abounded. The house in itself although no architechtural marvel had a huge glass window in the drawing room with a cozy fireplace , opening out onto the beautiful scenery mentioned above. I was quite surprised to know that inspite of its "rural" location, a train station was only about 10 minutes away, the post got delivered everyday, and there was even a broadband internet access. Thats English countryside life for you! The best of both worlds.

Anyway, enough of small talk,
my real purpose of writing this update is to thank all of you who have supported both my family back home and myself with moral support and otherwise in the past week. It has been reassuring to have you around in difficult times. For those of you who are not aware, my father experienced a bit of heart related complications.Although he is now fine and at home, I request your prayers in this regard.
News on my progress: I`ve been applying for countless jobs with little success so far. I did get to attend an interview, the results of which are not yet known. Meanwhile I hope to get my visa extended by a further year and have applied for the same. Also, I`ve submitted my researchwork for publication and i`m eagerly awaiting the outcome of that. To summarise, a lot of things hang in balance, the outcomes of which could be crucial for my future.As mentined in the
previous blog its going to be one of the severest winters here in the U.K. and as i prepare for it, i hope i`m not too far from thoughts.